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Parents/carers should first contact the Local Education Authority to apply for a placement in Lakeside School.​



As part of our admissions process parents/carers, the student and other interested professionals are invited to visit the school for a visit and initial meeting.  If you are in the process of looking for a suitable special school placement and are being advised by the Local Authority to make visits, these are welcome at any time through the assessment/consultation process for your child.  Please phone the office to arrange a visit Tel: 02380 266633 to arrange a suitable time. 


The Senior Leadership Team assess each pupil’s referral papers as supplied by the Special Educational Needs department of the Local Educational Authority. The Headteacher will advise overall suitability to the LEA who will then confirm the offer of a place in writing, and advise you of the transport arrangements.


The increased pupil number (PAN) of 97 pupils for the school effective from 1 January 2021. In addition the age range has been lowered to enable 10 year olds to attend.  This brings the age range change of 10-16 year olds. 


To view our Admissions Policy, Please follow the link:



Hampshire County Council’s SEN transport team make arrangements for students to travel to and from school. Parent/carers will need to contact Hampshire Transport to make arrangements. Please follow the link below.



Transport arrangements are usually carried out by commercial contractors, and are contracted through a tender process.


Lakeside also runs minibus services one to the  Romsey/Totton area.








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